black hair

Natural Hair Care Tips for Black Hair

If you have black hair

You’re probably already aware that it’s pretty thin. However, the truth is that black hair isn’t always the thickest or the shiniest. It’s often coarser, thinner, and even more fragile due to its coarse texture. As a result, black hair experiences more breakage, which also has a big impact on the perception of black hair being weak.

Now that you know for sure that black hair doesn’t always grow back as white hair does, let’s dive into what you can do about your problem so that you can finally grow your beautiful black hair back again!

There are a few things you should remember when trying to combat hair loss.

  • The first thing you should remember is that

Regardless of the thickness of your hair, you shouldn’t use any type of conditioner when you wash it. Even if you use a deep conditioner, your black hair will still absorb a lot of moisture from the shampoo and conditioner, resulting in less moisture in your scalp and more dryness. You should instead be using a natural oil conditioner to moisturize your scalp and give it a healthy shine.

A healthy diet and exercise routine will go a long way towards helping you regain and maintain your healthy hair. The next time you go to the gym, you should use a protein drink like whey protein to help replenish your body with the nutrients it needs to build strong black hair. As for exercise, you can either go for walks in the park or try a few minutes of cardio-vascular workouts like jogging in place.

  • Using natural hair products

It’s a great way to prevent dry hair from becoming brittle and damaged in general. Some of the best natural hair products for black hair care are styling gels that contain keratin, which helps give black hair the curl pattern it develops in its natural state. These products are the best option if you want to avoid split ends.

  • If you’re experiencing any kind of physical damage to your hair

It’s important to take steps to prevent further damage. Some of the best ways to prevent damage are to keep your hair as moisturized as possible by increasing the moisture in your scalp and hair. If you use a blow dryer on your hair, always use products specifically made for black hair or with extra heat protection features.

For some people, using a clarifying shampoo every other week can be enough to reverse the effects of even the most gentle hair care products. For those who experience split ends, you can opt for a milder version of this product and use it less frequently. The use of a flat iron can also damage your hair, so you should use it wisely.

  • Your diet can also play a significant role in helping your hair remain healthy and strong.

One of the best natural hair care products for black hair is oatmeal. You can either make your own by combining rolled oats with honey or using the ingredients from an oatmeal recipe. To get the full benefits of oatmeal, you should soak your hair shafts in water. After soaking, you should let them air dry, then you can use a natural hair care spray. The spray will seal the moisture into your hair shafts.

  • Vitamins play an important role in keeping your hair looking and feeling great.

The best vitamins you should use are vitamins A, B, C and E, as they will provide you with the vitamins needed to stimulate growth. When you choose a vitamin supplement, look for one that contains biotin, as it can also improve your hair’s strength and breakage prevention. Other vitamins you should take are Vitamin C, Zinc, Inositol, Folic Acid and Magnesium. All of these vitamins will help you maintain healthy hair, even after you go through a tough storm.

  • The last step in healthy hair maintenance is using a good quality conditioner.

Even though your hair products are natural, you still need to give them a good conditioning treatment at least once a month. Look for a conditioner that contains Vitamin E, as it can improve the health of your hair shafts. A good conditioner also uses styling aids such as egg curling rods, pomade, foam and leave-in conditioners. You can also try a deep conditioning treatment, which can protect your natural hair against humidity and heat.

Waxing Tips

Pamper Your Hair And Body At Home With These Waxing Tips

You will find a number of waxing tips for salons in magazines and on commercial television. The idea that waxing can produce the same results as getting a facial or waxing kit at the beauty parlour is misleading.

In fact, waxing requires more attention to detail than any other beauty procedure. From starting at the hairline to the ends of the hair, each step in the process of waxing should be done carefully and, more importantly, correctly.

If you are considering waxing, it is a good idea to consult a professional before getting started. Professionals in the field of home care to know all about exfoliating and waxing tips. By taking the time to learn these methods from a professional, you can avoid the spread of harmful skin allergies, as well as getting cuts and abrasions.

There are also some very good topical products available on the market today, both over-the-counter and prescribed, that are very effective in providing safe, healthy skincare.

Waxing Tips

One of the best waxing tips for salons is to not use the wax on sensitive areas of the skin such as the hands and face. Instead, the hands and face should be treated only with quality creams that can help rejuvenate the skin and bring back its youthful beauty.

Often, people develop allergic reactions to the creams used during the waxing process, but you can alleviate this problem by purchasing a product that contains hypoallergenic ingredients. Also, remember to pick an exfoliating cream that is designed for the purposes of removing dead skin cells. This will ensure that your skin remains free from blemishes.

Another of the many waxing tips for salons is to make a waxing appointment with the salon the night before the scheduled waxing appointment. If you do not have an appointment to go to, scheduling the waxing appointment a few days ahead of time is an excellent idea.

This will allow you time to shop for waxing products that will complement your new style. If you choose to go natural, you should purchase a moisturizing cream that will help to keep your skin soft and smooth. You can also purchase some herbal waxing products that are made to promote beautiful results. In addition, you may want to invest in a sunblock while you are waxing under the supervision of a professional.

One of the most common waxing tips for salons involves the removal of pubic hair. When removing the excess hair on your body, it is important that you always have a moisturizing cream nearby. This will help keep the area smooth and prevent any razor burn.

If you are opting for a smooth waxing session, remember to cleanse your skin and use a moisturizer before the process begins. Once all of the hair has been removed, follow up with an exfoliation to further improve your skin’s appearance.

If you are looking for waxing tips at home, you may want to consider using moisturizers after the procedure. In addition to this, if you feel that your skin is too dry, you may want to apply a natural cream that will provide you with smooth skin throughout the day.

Some beauty experts even recommend applying cold wax to relieve dry and itchy scalps. By using a combination of these waxing tips at home, you can eliminate the need for hiring a professional waxing service in the future.

Although a professional waxing service provides great waxing tips that can provide a smooth appearance, you should also use common sense when choosing a beauty salon. If the staff feels that you are unsure about a product or procedure, they should be able to give you a variety of options.

It is not a good idea to let your facial hair or skincare get so out of control that you are forced to schedule another waxing appointment. Instead, if you feel comfortable with the technician and the products being offered, you should book an appointment with the same beauty salon as soon as possible.

Some of the best waxing tips are to take a shower beforehand if you plan on waxing your bikini line or tights. This will help to soften the hairs you will be removing and increase their chances of being removed safely. Also, make sure to use moisturizing creams after waxing your legs, armpits and other areas of your body.

This will allow the hairs to absorb the wax and become soft enough to be removed properly. By following these tips at home, you can safely remove hairs without putting yourself at risk.

Eyebrow Shaping

7 Best Hack For Eyebrow Shaping

Having a flawless shape is not a cakewalk for the eyebrows. If you don’t determine the form of your brows in advance, it can be very harsh. If it is not enough to have the right product or ability, you have to have a good understanding of what form fits you best. Nobody likes to pose like an alien with super dense, shapeless eyebrows that can be quickly noticed.

The shape of your eyebrow should be such that it complements the cut of your forehead, elaborates your brow line and gives you a stunning look. And girls, we all know it’s easier to be late than to have a bad day with a bad brow.


So, we have mentioned a few strategies for sculpting your eyebrow flawlessly to aid you with the art of shaping and to save your time:

Know the right point of departure

To give your eyebrows a beautiful form, it is important that you preserve continuity right from the beginning. Knowing where to start is the very first step. To give your forehead a new starting point, you can resort to plucking or waxing. You may also use a professional eyebrow rectifier for the same purpose. Be sure that ingredients that are too close or too far away from places where your hair naturally tends to grow are not added to you.

Don’t fake it for yourself

Never attempt to mimic the eyebrows of someone you find sexy. It can be devastating and your face can not compliment you. Try to boost and grow your own eyebrows with different ingredients instead. Do not mess with your natural eyebrows by sketching an eyebrow pencil over your forehead. Focus on getting your own brows beautified.

Reinforce the Arch

As they are the most dominant aspect of the eyebrow, always emphasis on the arch of your brows. When darkening the arch and outer ends of the brows, add the eyebrow products gently to the inner edges. This makes the brow’s natural curve look more true.

Be correct

For beautiful and winning eyebrows, accuracy is the hidden ingredient. Often be sure of the form and use strokes to apply the pencil along the outer edges. For a smoother use, you should rest your hand on a flat surface. To smooth the edges of the pencil, add gel to the inner portion of the forehead and use a brush.

Concealer submit

The concealer will make your brow appear more prominent and formed. So don’t forget to add it below and above the surface of your forehead. Apply cream concealer over your brow bone and on the end, starting underneath. For mixing, use a brush.

Brush to the right

Brush your brows in an upward direction before adding some substance and raise your arch for a more defined appearance. Using a spoolie to point and spread a gloss on the eyebrows.

Using a smooth edge

We also have holes in the hair around our eyebrows. You should use your tweezers’ side edge for this to find some clear bars. For bright eyebrows, then fill in these holes.

You should then form your eyebrows flawlessly using these seven hacks and be ready for any fun, party or workplace look.

Want to learn more about? Eyebrow Shaping?

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Video Post

EyeBrow Threading

Hair removal using a threading method is fast and very accurate: no need for wax or wax strips, or spatulas

Quote Post

Things are beautiful if you love them , so love your self! You are beautiful
Naz Ansari

Eyebrow Threading

Threading is an ancient method of hair removal originating in the Eastern World.

In threading, a thin cotton heavy duty thread is doubled, then twisted. It is then rolled over areas of unwanted hair, plucking the hair at the follicle level. Unlike Tweezing, where single hairs are pulled out one at a time, threading can remove short lines of hair. There certain advantages for eyebrow threading, as opposed to eyebrow waxing, we are not advocating that eyebrow threading is much better than waxing. For certain individuals and circumstances waxing is a better option .

However the Key difference between threading and waxing , is that threading  provides more precise control in shaping eyebrows and is more gentle on the skin. It is all natural and does not involve any chemicals. Due to this threading is widely considered as the best method to shape and sculpt eyebrows.

Naz Brow Threading Salon provides the best threading experience in Downtown Chicago. We employ the best Threader in Downtown NAZ who have been doing eyebrow threading for more than 2 decades , out of which she worked 5 years in the loop area. Stop by today at NAZ Brow Threading Salon and experience it for yourself.  It is quick and painless.



 Courtesy of Naz Broiw threading Salon


Waxing is a form of semi-permanent hair removal which removes the hair from the root. New hair will not grow back in the previously waxed area for four to six weeks, although some people will start to see regrowth in only a week due to some of their hair being on a different growth cycle.

Almost any area of the body can be waxed, including eyebrows, face, pubic area (called bikini waxing), legs, arms, back, abdomen and feet. There are many types of waxing suitable for removing unwanted hair. Generally waxing is accomplished by spreading a wax thinly over the skin. A cloth or paper strip is applied and pressed firmly, adhering the strip to the wax and the wax to the skin. The strip is then quickly ripped against the direction of hair growth, as parallel as possible to the skin to avoid trauma to the skin. This smoothly removes the wax along with the hair.

There are many benefits to waxing versus other forms of hair removal. It is an effective method to remove large amounts of hair at one time. It is a long-lasting method. Hair in waxed areas will not grow back for two to eight weeks. When hair is shaved or removed by depilatory cream, the hair is removed at the surface rather than the root. Within a few days, the hair can be seen at the surface. With these methods, hair tends to grow back in a rough stubble. Areas that are repeatedly waxed over long periods of time often exhibit regrowth that is softer.






A facial is one of the best ways to take care of your skin, especially when it’s given by an experienced, knowledgeable esthetician. A facial cleans, exfoliates and nourishes the skin, promoting a clear, well-hydrated complexion, and can help your skin look younger.

The Basic Steps of a Facial

  • Consultation: A facial should begin with a consultation. The esthetician might have you fill out a form that has questions about your skin concerns, your diet, how much water you drink, drugs and supplements you take, and products you are currently using. This can affect your skin and what kind of treatments she recommends.
  • Cleansing: After wrapping your hair with a towel or headband, the esthetician begins a facial with a thorough cleansing, using cotton pads, esthetician wipes or sponges.
  • Skin Analysis: The esthetician covers your eyes and looks at your skin through a brightly lit magnifying lamp. He or she is determining your basic skin type (dry, oily, combination, sensitive or normal) and skin conditions (acne, blackheads, whiteheads, aging, sun-damage, dehydration, etc.) The esthetician then chooses the appropriate products and treatments, and consults with you about what he or she sees and recommends.
  • Steam: Most facials use a machine that directs a thin vapor of warm steam to your face. This is relaxing and helps softens up any blackheads and whiteheads to be extracted. If you have very sensitive skin, the esthetician may not use steam.
  • Exfoliation: using a mechanical or chemical exfoliant. Mechanical exfoliants have a gritty texture that rubs away the surface dead skin cells. This type of exfoliation usually happens during the steam. Chemical exfoliation uses enzymes and acids to loosen the bond between skin cells. A gentle enzyme treatment can be done during the steam. Stronger chemical peels, which vary in intensity, can be a stand-alone treatment or part of the facial. It is not generally an “upgrade” and done in a series. It is not done with steam.
  • Extractions: This is the removal of blackheads or whiteheads if you want it and need it. People have different pain tolerance for extractions. They can be uncomfortable, especially on thin or ruddy skin. Extractions can cause broken capillaries and discoloration if done improperly. Watch a video of extractions being performed.
  • Facial massage: Using classic strokes like effleurage to both relax you and stimulate your skin and facial muscles.
  • Facial mask: Targeted to your skin type (dry, oily, combination, sensitive, mature) and condition. During the facial, the esthetician should stay in the room and give you a scalp massage or some other service. If they leave the room to let you “relax,” don’t go back.
  • Final application of toner: serums, moisturizer and sunscreen if it’s daytime.
  • Advice on home skin care: The esthetician will tell you how she thinks you can take better care of your skin and recommend products. Some people feel uncomfortable with this step because it involve product recommendations, but it is part of her job. You aren’t obligated to buy anything, and he or she shouldn’t be too pushy or make you feel bad about your skin.


Who Gives a Facial?

A professional facial should be given by a licensed esthetician with special training in skin care. They are sometimes also called facialists. A cosmetologist is legally allowed to give facials, but their primary training is in hair, so, in my opinion, they aren’t the best choice. You also want to find an esthetician who is knowledgeable, fastidious, and passionate about their work.


A detail image of a green apple mask being applied at a beauty spa.